Common Reason for Problem Skin (4)

Diet: Fats, Sugar

Eating habit is another clue to find out the skin problem. Rising in blood sugar can occur inflammation which is one of the basis of aging in all organ systems, including skin. The sugar can cause biological changes in the cell that result in accelerate aging. In skin, sugar can attach to collagen with gycation process. This making the skin stiff, inflexible, and losing elastic. This will give a deep wrinkles and look old.

Sugar and high-gylcemic carbohydrates (which the body can rapidly change it to sugar) is the diet that will change the skin appearance little by little without being notice. This might be a nightmare for sweet and dessert lover! How to solve this problem? Besides discipline on sugar intake, do more sport and let it sweat can reduce the impact. Use up as much as the excess sugar in the body.

Common Reason for Problem Skin (3)

Poor Health Habits: Late Night

Everybody know poor health habit will harm to the body and the health. Similarly, when the health drop, it will shows on the skin too. This is because skin is part of the body. Poor Health habits and lifestyle such as late night life, extreme eating habit, hygienic habit, and sport do influence to the skin.

We look at the late night life here which influence most of the people nowadays, especially those who stay in the urban area. Night life is enjoying, but when the night life causes the hormonal change will influence the physiology of the body health and also skin appearance.

Common Reason for Problem Skin (2)

Emotional Problems: Stress, Anxiety.

We have all kinds of emotional pressure in our live nowadays. There are financial, family and relationships, work place, school place, and other live events. These stress up our emotion and it will affect to the skin and it appearance too. Stress can cause skin breaking out or acne, skin flushing, hair falling, and white hair.

Little stress is actually good for live because it will alert us on our live events. But when the stress problem is too severe for a long period of time, it will hit badly to the health. Stress, as an emotional reaction, it will recognized by the brain. The brain will react to the signal which release adrenaline and cortisol, the stress hormone (androgen ). These hormone will lead to increase oil secretion through sebacious gland at the skin. When excess oil secreted trapped just beneath the dead skin cell (granular layer), these trapped oil become one of the factors that cause acne.

Therefore, good emotional equals to good health and healthy skin. While feel stress up, besides using any products or medication, try do meditation, sports, gym and so on.

Common Reason for Problem Skin (1)

Allergies: Food, Drugs, Cosmetic

The common reason for problem skin discuss here is regarding those very general cases which disturbing most of the person. If your case is very serious, it is recommended that you go to get advice from doctor. It is because it needs direct observation and diagnose before concluded the reason.

When talk about problem skin, what is the common reason you normally see? What I have seen is, allergies. Allergies from food, in take from mouth; or substances which direct contact to the skin. Actually skin allergy is an over-reaction of the skin to a contact with particular substance that your body cell is sensitive or allergic to, which is those substances normally harmless to the non-allergic person. If a person found out he or she is suffering from skin allergies, normally they are allergic to more than one substances. People who has allergy reaction, often they are easily has itchy eye, runny nose, skin rashes, maybe wheezing or diarrhea.

There are few types of allergy skin conditions, such as Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema), Contact Dermatitis, Urticaria (Hives) and Angioedema (Swelling). Most common allergy cases can be found are Atopic Dermatitis and Contact Dermatitis.

Atopic Dermatitis also called in born sensitive is an inherited severe form of eczema. It affected elbow, backs of knees, face and sometimes the entire body. It is linked with asthma and hayfever. Those who has asthma and hayfever are high chances come with this Atopic Dermatitis. The symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis will be worsen by triggering factor.

Contact Dermatitis is a skin reaction resulting from exposure to allergens. It shows a rash or irritation of the skin when direct contact with a foreign substance which is not acceptable by the body cell.

Most of the time, allergic reactions appear within 48 hours upon the exposure to the allergen. Allergy for skin shows with symptom such as redness, rashes, itching, swelling, blistering, and weeping. All these reason is come from the immune response of over-active immune system. The immune system take all the allergen as an invading agents such as bacteria or viruses. That mean allergy is actually a body self defense system, but just that it responding to a false alarm.

There are some factors have been found that will cause the allergy reaction which are genetic, environment, allergen concentration, and dietary changes. We can do much to change the genetic basis of allergy, but a right choices of skin care method can reduce chances of allergy symptom. The allergens and dietary changes can be take note an try to avoid it.

Allergy can be test by two methods, Skin testing and Blood testing. Both of this methods need to carry by specialist. At home, if you want to know whether you are allergy to certain substances, you can spread it on your skin for some time. Of course you begin with small amount and at the skin part that convenient to you. Then try few times for increase amount. This diagnose method is important for those having sensitive skin and always has allergy reaction. Before they try new products, especially skin care product, they are recommend to test the substance with this method.

Since allergy problem is serious, selection of food and substance to contact is an important step. This kind of problem, when come to product selection, must treat as sensitive skin type. Take note what kind of subtances are allergen to you.

Sequence of Cleansing Steps

Since number of products have been develop to clean and protect our skin, there are sequence for maximize the effect.






Eye & Lip Make-up Remover, Cleansing Gel, Cleansing Milk, Cleansing Clay



Bio-Whitening Scrub



Hydra-Whitening Masque, Intense Clarifying Masque, Age-Defence Lifting Masque


Toner or Moisturizer

Hydra-Fluid, Hydra-Light Lotion



Moisture Desensitizing Skin Serum, Moisture Power Serum, Age-Defence Lifting Serum



Intense Clarifying Booster


Cream or Moisturizer

Eye Contour Cream, Hydra-Smooth Cream, Hydra-Intense Cream, Age-Defence Lifting Cream




The water base is always come first, then follow by oil base ingredients. This is because after apply oil base ingredient such as cream product, the other ingredient will be block by the oil surface.