Common Reason for Problem Skin (2)

Emotional Problems: Stress, Anxiety.

We have all kinds of emotional pressure in our live nowadays. There are financial, family and relationships, work place, school place, and other live events. These stress up our emotion and it will affect to the skin and it appearance too. Stress can cause skin breaking out or acne, skin flushing, hair falling, and white hair.

Little stress is actually good for live because it will alert us on our live events. But when the stress problem is too severe for a long period of time, it will hit badly to the health. Stress, as an emotional reaction, it will recognized by the brain. The brain will react to the signal which release adrenaline and cortisol, the stress hormone (androgen ). These hormone will lead to increase oil secretion through sebacious gland at the skin. When excess oil secreted trapped just beneath the dead skin cell (granular layer), these trapped oil become one of the factors that cause acne.

Therefore, good emotional equals to good health and healthy skin. While feel stress up, besides using any products or medication, try do meditation, sports, gym and so on.